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The Higher Benefits of Conferencing!

by Dr. Jill Kiefer, former KArtsCon Director

Okay…let’s get down to brass tacks! Why should you attend a conference?

Professional Development

Attending a professional conference is a great way to gain visibility for yourself and your business, establish new contacts, develop new perspectives and partnerships that can lead to professional growth, and learn a lot you didn’t know that can expand your business or organization. What’s more, conference attendance looks good on your resume or CV, and most of the expenses associated with travelling to and attending a conference are tax deductible. They’re legitimate business expenses. For those of you who are educators–you may be able to earn some Continuing Education credits through your participation. We will have workshops at #KArtsCon2024 that qualify.

Gain International Exposure

For students, a conference is an important learning experience that also provides a showcase for your abilities in the business and professional arenas. It’s a great training ground for honing such skills as teaching, presenting, marketing and promotion, among others. Students can earn credits for their participation in conferences, too, and will meet people who can be helpful as they embark on new careers. It’s impossible to overestimate the importance of conferences to soon-to-be professionals.

Canterbury Arts Conference CArtsCon

Network Globally

The Kent Arts Conference (KArtsCon) is an event that will bring together and unite the many threads of the arts. It will be a meeting of the minds of fine art, art history, creative writing, academia, film, and all businesses, organizations, and institutions associated with these enterprises. Our theme for this year’s conference — Art as Legacy — umbrellas a broad range of possibilities for the unity and expansion of the arts disciplines. KArtsCon is where artists, scholars, business professionals, educators, and students of the arts will offer new ideas and viewpoints that will stimulate everyone—and raise issues that are of great concern to those of us working in the arts. This will be a global event, where you’ll meet people from all over the world who have taken the time to come and explore their passions among like-minded individuals. KArtsCon will be a cultural melting pot—where you’ll make new friends that you’ll keep for a lifetime, and expand your personal and professional horizons through inspired—and inspiring—exchanges of information, abilities and artistry.

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)?

People who hear about how great a conference was—after the fact—are always sorry they didn’t attend. I wish I had gone. I should have been there. Some who attend often regret not having participated more fully. I should have submitted my film to the festival. I could have done a presentation that made people around the globe aware of my business. Don’t be one of those folks! Are you developing a new learning program in studio arts? If so, think about leading a workshop at KArtsCon that will help to promote your classes. Have you written an academic paper on an important issue related to art or arts education? Consider reading an excerpt from it at KArtsCon. Is your organization focused on a particular issue facing the arts and arts professionals?

Get Cracking

There will be a variety of different tracks at the conference: Visual Presentations, Creative Writing Workshops, Art History Classes, Art Studio Workshops, Academic Papers, a Short-Short Film Festival, and an Art Exhibit. Added to this will be a Book Reading – Signing Event. If you are involved in the arts or arts culture, in any way, there’s a place for you at KArtsCon. So check out our Calls for Entries and get involved.

You’ll benefit from the experience beyond words, and if you forego this opportunity you’ll regret it later on. Join us—and SUBMIT! 

Time to get movin’ on this great experience—that will be held at the Historic Dockyard Chatham, U.K., from 10-12 July 2024.

Kent Arts Conference