Soo Han Chua is now a lecturer at Asia Pacific University and a trainer at Canvas Education. He is an instructor at IACT College in Malaysia and a Certified Adobe Expert and Certified Instructor in both Adobe® Premiere® Pro CS5 and After Effects® CS5. He is also a trainer at Teras One Solution, one of the few Adobe Certified Training Centers in Malaysia. At IACT College, Chua teaches computer graphics, video production, and post-production. He is also a trainer at Teras One Solution, which provides training for professional working adults from companies such as Astro, Proton, and the Malaysian prime minister’s office.
Chua is one of the moderators for, a social networking site dedicated to creative Chinese talent in Asia. Members actively publish articles and videos and discuss culture and technology. He is also a regular speaker for After Effects User Group Malaysia (AEMY).
Known for his passion to develop creative talent in Malaysia, he was invited to help organize the 2009 Klang Creative Festival. He made it possible for many local filmmakers to showcase their films to event attendees.

Innovating the Future of Table Top Games: The Hybrid Experience
This research paper presents an in-depth exploration of the evolving landscape of tabletop gaming, with a specific focus on the integration of digital and physical elements to create a novel hybrid gaming experience. Beginning with a comprehensive introduction, the study outlines the historical context, significance, and resurgence of tabletop games, emphasizing the emergence of hybrid tabletop games that combine traditional physical gameplay with digital elements. The literature review in traces the origin of tabletop games, examines technological advancements like augmented reality and artificial intelligence, and discusses theories such as Media Richness Theory and Flow Theory. In Research methodology, the study adopts an interpretivist approach and employing semi-structured interviews to explore the experiences and perspectives of seven individuals with experience in tabletop games within Malaysia. The findings reveal diverse preferences for digital and physical play, the role of game masters, challenges encountered, and unique and unpredictable experiences from gaming sessions. The study also explores the potential for tabletop games to address societal challenges, such as public health crises, and proposes a new method of hybrid experience. The conclusion synthesizes the findings, reflecting on the research objectives and the extent to which they have been achieved. It provides an overview of the study’s contributions to the field of tabletop gaming, including insights into player motivation, improvisation, collaboration, realism, and the impact of technological advancements. The paper contributes to the understanding of tabletop gaming in the digital age, offering valuable insights and proposing a concept of a hybrid gaming experience that leverages both digital and physical play. The research also opens up avenues for further exploration and innovation in the field, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on gaming communities.