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KArtsCon2024: Annette Kramer – Creating a Legacy for Your Art

Annette Kramer, PhD, is a top communication strategist and advisor for international leaders in government, business, media, the arts, and the third sector.  Annette’s specialty is building confidence in self-presentation, whether speaking publicly or selling internally developed through working in and teaching theatre at Brown and consulting in global organisations.  Conviction, practice and the right feedback are the best antidotes to fear and the most direct road to persuasion.  The result is a kind of muscle memory for crafting and delivering more compelling stories that make it obvious to listeners why they should continue the conversation. 

Presentation: How to Begin Creating a Legacy for Your Art from this Moment

When you have a canon of work, the art can more easily speak for itself. Traditionally, this happens in posthumous retrospectives that offers optimum insight into the genesis and development of ideas. But why wait to be more widely appreciated and understood? Give your work some help by creating a legacy as you go.

In business, the effect of such a full experience of a product is often called brand. However, in the arts, the maker must become part of that brand as well. This talk will introduce organizational principles to begin shaping the way you talk about your work – to buyers, critics, the press, and across other contexts as well.

Workshop: Practice Framing a Legacy for You and Your Art

Based on the talk, How to begin creating a legacy for you and your art, we will take turns speaking the legacy we would like to create.

Please consider these principles, and bring the answers to the workshop to further craft:

  • Who are you talking to? What do they care about?
  • Why do you create what you do? What do you believe is relevant to this?
  • Is this evident in your process? Your work? How?
  • How has this process and has the work changed over time and why?
  • Is this different from others’ work?
  • What impact would you like your work to have on people and other artists?

Please bring notes from the principles stated in the talk description – and consider transitions from one topic to the other – so that we can take turns creating a 3-minute pitch and giving each other feedback.

Kent Arts Conference