Dr. David Stokes has been the Chief Executive of The Halpern Charitable Foundation since March 2019. The charity focuses on tackling mental health and social isolation through the arts, and also runs the well-known Nucleus Arts centres across Medway, supporting locally-based artists and increasing opportunities for creative business.
“At the Halpern Charitable Foundation, we believe in a world where everyone can express their creativity, no matter their age, background, status or health. By making the arts open and accessible to all we aim to promote creative thinking, support the creative economy, and use the healing power of the arts to improve mental and physical health.
In this presentation we will share our experience of the many ways we, as the award winning Nucleus Arts, have used the power of creativity to influence the wider Medway community; from health, to education, business, and regeneration and society.”
Join us for this outstanding program!