Since the late 1980s, I have developed my fine art photography practice working with a Hasselblad camera and black and white silver gelatin prints exploring the urban environment.
More recently, I have been focusing on the cyanotype process, camera-less photography and photo-montage which I have been posting on Instagram and which addresses issues of identity.
February 2021 – Once COVID-19 lockdown has been lifted I will be delivering cyanotype photography workshops in south east London.
“It’s not fashionable but it is classical and though bigger, brighter and more colourful images are in vogue now, like the fads of the past they will seem old before their time and the classic modernist work of Anthony will still seem relevant, significant and beautiful.”
Roger Watson, curator, Fox Talbot Museum.
We are pleased to announce that Anthony will be exhibiting some photographs at this year’s CArtsCon.