Ayo Adewunmi (Ph.D), has taught art and photography at the Institute of Management and Technology (IMT), Enugu since 1991. He studied art at Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria, where he obtained a BA degree in Industrial Design, in 1991. He has MFA in Painting and Ph.D in Art History from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria. He is currently the Art Director of Life in My City Art festival(www.lifeinmycityartsfestival,org). He initiated the Art is Everywhere (AIE) project, a waste-to-art recycling workshop in 2005 (www.art-is-evrywhere.com.ng). Adewunmi has participated in numerous art exhibitions within and outside Nigeria.
Ayo will be presenting a paper entitled Bridging Creative Gaps through Traveling Workshop: The Art Is Everywhere Project Example. Trans-locating art workshops promote two ideas: one, they expand the network of intercultural exchanges and, two: they enable a cross-fertilization of creative ideas. The paper examines the effectiveness of these ideologies using the Art is Everywhere traveling art workshop as a case study.
Don’t miss the opportunity to learn more about how the traveling workshop projects builds bridges!